This you must see – if you value your health and that of loved ones. GMOs aren’t just “trendy” or great “science” – they are untested and often react like poisons in test animals and humans! This you’ve got to see THURS. OCT. 11th, 6:30pm at Petaluma’s Seed Bank, corner of Petaluma Blvd. and E. Washington. All the info. you’d hoped you could ignore but really, you shouldn’t!

Watch and you’ll change your diet; watch and you’ll want to stop GMOs from entering our food stream. There IS something you can do. VOTE for Proposition 37 on the Nov. ballot to get GMO labeling of the foods we depend on.

This from the Seed Bank Facebook page:
This Thursday, October 11, at 6:30 p.m. at The Seed Bank (199 Petaluma Blvd. North in downtown Petaluma) attend a special screening of “Genetic Roulette: The Gamble of Our Lives.” Admission is free.This new documentary by Jeffrey Smith, one
of the world’s leading experts on the health dangers of genetically engineered (GE) foods, is based on his bestselling book Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods. The film reveals Smith’s meticulous research on how biotech companies continue to mislead legislators and safety officials about the health dangers of GE foods. Smith also shines light on how Americans have far more illnesses than Europeans and attributes several of these conditions, including an increase in autism, type 2 diabetes, celiac disease, and alzheimers, to the nation’s consumption of GE foods. Shopping suggestions for a non-GE diet are also covered.

Let’s not “just hope” the GMO ballot measure 37 passes – we need this – so vote for knowing what’s in our food and encourage your friends to as well. There is evidence that GMOs create small leaks in the intestines of those who ingest (and that’s most of us), causing our bodies to create antibodies to fight the ensuing infections. Yuck! How can anyone think this is a good idea – or OK?

More info is coming out nearly daily pointing to Monsanto and other proponents of GMOs as the cause of increased use of pesticides (when they promised we wouldn’t need pesticides if we use their products), to the development of super bugs, the epidemic of food allergies, even the extraordinary epidemic of obesity here and wherever GMOs are fed to people.

Please watch this! Thankfully, 971,000 people signed a petition to get GMO labeling on our ballot and there’s a LOT of money out there to prevent this (Proposition 37) to fail.

GMOs/Monsanto is BIG business. All baby formulas are made with GMO soy…or from cows injected with GMOs. Similac, Gerber, Emfamil, Walmart Soy 62% GMO. Ouch! That hurts. How did this happen? We didn’t say NO while Monsanto picked up power and money, lots and lots of both! So how many American babies are gobbling up this dangerous stuff? Hate to think of it.

GMOs are NOT the wave of the future, rather they are a disaster we must somehow undo. Independent studies conclude GMO technology is close to a wash. Over time, there is a greater need for pesticides on GMO crops. Roundup is everywhere – in our blood.

(from previous blog on GMOs)
93% of pregnant women in a Canadan report had BP toxin in their bodies – Jeffrey Smith thinks BT toxin is produced within our bodies continuously after eating GMO foods. The chemicals that cause insects that eat GMO corn to have their stomachs explode – it is suspected that these same chemicals create small holes in OUR guts – so our bodies create anti-bodies to counter the presence of undigested food in the blood stream…

We’ve had a huge lie perpetuated on us by a multi-national corporation. “Just because science CAN do something doesn’t mean it SHOULD do something,” says Dennis Kucinich.

Lucky for us, getting rid of GMOs in our diet may have a great positive affect. Trouble is, we can’t know where the GMOs are – until we get labeling. But there is a powerful lobby that wants to defeat this proposition; don’t let them!

Rats given Roundup-treated foods had less babies, smaller babies, and in the 3rd generation, often none. Fertility declining in livestock – and humans. May be good in a rotten way – but don’t we want to KNOW our food is healthy?

Guess the need for pure food means more money spent in Whole Paycheck (Whole Foods) – there are good things and pricey things there, but some you just need. I get nettles to reduce allergy symptoms and inflammation, possibly caused by GMOs? Of the grocery stores, only Whole Foods sells nettle capsules. And Udi Cinnamon Raison Bread, which I know see I need (never noticed the upset wheat has on my system till now).

Be informed. Don’t miss this excellent – and scary! – film.

Support your Local Seed Bank…and let’s save, share seeds and natural wonderful foods we can grow here, GMO free! Planting our Winter Garden now…

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