Many in our area know Heidi, the Custom Costume queen formerly of Cotati, now at home across from Lucky’s on Petaluma Blvd. and sharing a wall with her BRAND NEW Kaleidoscope Cabaret. We’re delighted we got in the door for the first ever show! Full house, free popcorn, water bottles, peanuts and even mini chocolate cupcakes! And our girls, granddaughter, Annabella and great girlfriend, Jade, got to be Fairy Twins when Heidi put headdresses on them and beckoned them to the front of the stage. The girls walked a “tightrope,” danced around and had a marvelous time – budding actresses now?

Tobias the magician did amazing scary and silly stuff (Sword swallowing, funny tricks) and we watched a quick version of the beautiful and heartfelt Butterfly Ship mythologic trip (thank you, Tessa McClary for your marvelous music, concept and choreography!)

Was very pleased to see Bonnie Cromwell, Birthday and Classroom Safari, bring out a couple of animals we have personal relations with! Tytoo, the very beautiful Servil Cat from Africa, Bonnie’s pet, seemed captivated looking at the children in the front row and wouldn’t jump for Bonnie, but her Lemur, Rickoshay, made up for that by showing off his own trick of pulling Bonnie to him via a rope so he could bring the treats to his mouth. Those and the alligator and boa constrictors we used to see at Jungle Vibes Toy Store years ago. What a treat! And we’ll be hiring Bonnie to bring these critters to us at Oasis Farm soon…yippee!

By end of the night, we’d had nearly three hours of great fun, laughter shared with many we know and many we’d like to know…what a great beginning for a small theater/cabaret – we need all the joy we can muster about now – and Heidi’s performance as M.C. was gracious and heartwarming!

Comment on Yelp:
Let me start by saying how wonderful Heidi is. She makes a variety of unique costumes and treats each customer with her full attention to detail when dressing them up. Not only do you get a unique costume but you get Heidi’s awesome input and accessories.

Custom Costumes has a plethora of costumes, mermaids, cowboys, vikings, witches, saloon girl, Indians, wizard, gladiator, lion, belly dancer…. and the list goes on. Not to mention that they are all hand made and you don’t just get a dress and a hat, or a gun and a jacket, YOU GET THE WORKS. Heidi’s creative eye will not stop until you really look the part of your chosen costume.

I could go on and on….and on about how amazing this little shop is, or about how awesome Heidi is at what she does, but you really should check it out for yourself.

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