Years of hoping there is a provable way to curb or reverse global warming, and recently we learned that John Wick and Marin Carbon Project makes it clear SCIENCE that use of compost, can actually SUCK CARBON out of the air! Called carbon farming, the practice is documented in scientific studies published through several universities at – enough data to keep you reading quite awhile!

I am now GRATEFUL for Marin Carbon Project, having heard three presentations lately – each time I learn more and am more convinced if we just read and listen to the well-documented science (US DAvis, Lawrence Berkeley Lab, UC Santa Barbara) around carbon sequestration, and implement that on a big enough scale, global warming COULD BE reversed! Not just stopped; reversed! So the question, of course, is HOW to get this info. out there and get people with power to adopt composting and best land management practices.

What would that take? People around the globe composting, no till farming, cover crops and careful use of green waste thereby drawing huge amounts of carbon OUT OF THE AIR, sequestering it into soil, mitigating what seems impossible – the high levels of carbon we currently are experiencing in our air, up now to 490 particals per million of carbon, when 400ppm is the maximum we can sustain on the planet without severe damage to any animal larger than a roach.

Sonoma County is now lucky in that we hired Recology as our trash hauler and they hired a full time ZERO WASTE manager to teach people how to compost – including all the ubiquitous Starbucks cafes, all the affordable housing locations, etc., our trash hauler is helping reverse global warming while aiming at diverting 90% of trash from landfill, a number they consider “Zero Waste”! About time!

Recology, with offices in San Francisco, Los Angeles and throughout California, even boasts an Artist in Residence program along with public education about reuse including the following:

A large portion of our work involves educating customers and little ones about the recycling programs available to them – to inspire others to create their own personal Waste Zero goals, and let it be known that your recycling efforts impact all of us.

Education programs range from printed signage and sorting guides, to hands-on training for local organizations and HOA’s. We also partner with schools, community groups, businesses, and nonprofit organizations to promote environmental programs and ensure that our communities are aware of the diversion programs in their community.

We also work with local organizations and agencies to offer tours of many of our recycling facilities. We host tours for classes, businesses, and local representatives.

Find out more about recycling education programs in your area.

And this from the Marin Carbon Project site:

Launched in 2008, the Marin Carbon Project is celebrating it’s 10-year anniversary in 2018. Over the course of a decade, the Project has discovered new information regarding the potential for rangeland soils to be a significant global climate change solution, pioneered ground-“making” science and worked with existing infrastructure to advance new policy frameworks and private-sector business partnerships that to support soil carbon management. MCP partners played a pivotal role in helping establish the State of California’s Healthy Soils Program and have significantly advanced the practice of regenerative agriculture on California rangelands.
View a timeline of Marin Carbon Project’s development »
The CA State Coastal Conservancy has assisted five northern California Resource Conservation Districts in the development of carbon farming templates, carbon farm plans, county climate action plans, workshops and trainings with the support of the Carbon Cycle Institute. The partnership worked with existing infrastructure, agricultural agencies and organizations to both develop and transfer program services easily to land managers. The effort is supported in each county by UC Cooperative Extension Service, local land trusts, the NRCS and county Agricultural Commissioners. Read their project description and final report »
The State of California’s Department of Food and Agriculture released its first Healthy Soils awards in December 2017. Just under $180,000 was awarded to ranchers involved with the Marin Carbon Project and will go towards supporting soil carbon sequestration practices including compost application, hedgerows, silvopasture and cover crop planting.
Read more about California’s Healthy Soils Program »
The California Air Resources Board adopted an initial set of targets for GHG sequestration in California’s natural and working lands in its updated AB32 Scoping Plan. By 2030, California aims to sequester 15-20 MMT CO2 in agricultural and conserved landscapes.
Read the full 2017 Climate Change Scoping Plan Update »

Expect lots more good news from Marin Carbon Project and Recology.

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