Friends and family and friends I haven’t met yet are in turmoil. What happened to the mostly kindly world we were used to?
Liars and bullies with big money interests seem to have taken it over…but I haven’t given up hope. We don’t really know these new people and they may have a few good ideas after we get over the shock of losing things we love. OUCH!
We’re just beginning to get the jist of what we can do as individuals and together in groups, local, state, national, global.

The organizers of the Women’s Marches say send postcards about issues you care about daily to your electeds, to the Pres.
I’m starting to tweet to our Senator Kamala Harris – she’s brilliant and brave! And then to Congressman Jared Huffman and though it hurts a tad, to our new Pres. DT.

And Jerry Brown just gave his State of the State address and said he will make alliances with other states, with other countries to ensure we keep our climate legislation in place, our immigrants safe, our state safe…and then, hey, we CAN work with the DT people on infrastructure. OK; so no impeachment just yet but watchful eyes all around. Ended with Woodie Gutherie This Land is Your Land – perfect.

So new ideas boil up and over almost hourly. Just retweeted Kamala Harris’ response to EPA blackout and media blackout from the DT administration.

Most liked: Rebecca Solnit telling us what we need to do is: “Love each other and do our work.” She went on to say a whole hell of a lot (she’s an essaying/novelist/Buddhist brilliant human) and underneath all: times of uncertainty are times when change can happen…not bad, not bad.

More ideas of how to cope (and bits of light):

Obama says we’ll be OK; DT’s press sect’y says they don’t intend to lie to us (though their version of the truth is AMAZING!) Sigh…so we work harder on what we believe in.

Add to that a lot of meditation, walking with friends, music, humor, whatever we use to get well when ill.

– Going to 2 discussion groups on the way forward, one in community cafe, Aqus, the other w. Aqus owner, John Crowley, is with Praxis Peace in Sonoma w. George Lakoff – a workshop on how to frame your argument. Will undoubtedly write this up and getting better with Twitter.
– Considering creating a radio show on KPCA, Petaluma, first show is Groundhog Day. My partner, Wayne, started this radio station 10 years ago or more with our friend, Richard Speel so it’s all in the tribe.

Wishing you all a peaceful Spring (just around the corner). – Yours, Connie M

Notes from Brown’s State of the State today:
Jerry Brown 1/24/17- quoted John Donne “It tolls for you.”
California is the 6th biggest economy in the world and when CA does well, the country does well. Perseverance – that spirit and courage built our state in the beginning – this spirit and courage will get us through the great uncertainty ahead – we’ve increased by 10s of millions of dollars education funding – raised minimum wage, reduced prison numbers – CA a world leader in the fight against climate change. We closed a $27 billion deficit. CA reduced unemployment rate from 7.1 to 5.2 %. 2 ½ million jobs created. But this am,
Election of new president shows deep divisions. Signs that are disturbing “alternative facts” whatever those are – truth, civility, working together have been obscured or disappeared – but we’ve see fervor and our core principles are as strong as ever. So as we reflect on the State of our State we should
Very uncertain times – reaffirm the principles
– immigrants are an integral part of who we are and what we have become
– helped create wealth and dynamism of the state from the very beginning.
– As a state we can and we have played an important role – several important laws for immigrants – drivers licenses, we may be called to defend these laws and we will – every man woman and child who has contributed to the wellbeing of our state.
ACA – coverage came with 10s of billions of dollars from the feds – join with outher governors and senators to protect the healthcare of our people and Planned Parenthood which has been attacked in too many places in this country.

Our state is known for renewable energy – DC can’t change the facts:
– climate in changing, natural habitats are changing all over the world
– MOU Paris represents a billion people – danger is real – we can do much on our own, we can join other states and even countries to stop climate change and we’re going to do exactly that!

Infrastructure: DT met w. labor leaders – $1trillion across the country – Amen to that, brother, we’re with you on that. “We’ll build new tunnels, roads, railroads across the country”. And that will create good paying American jobs.

We have to summon the better angels of our nature (Abraham Lincoln), We have to trust each other –
Hugo Gratse ? said even God cannot force 2×2 to be other than 4. We can’t construct an alternative universe that we find more pleasing.
Find civility – look for new ways to work beyond party. Republicans represent CA, too. Work together – earn the respect of the people of CA.

That’s a very good sign of bi-partisanship – and then there’s perseverance. Name of ship that brought his grandfather from Germany, perseverance.
The future is uncertain and dangers abound – threat to our economy, terrorist attack,
After the perilous
Woody Gutherie: This land is your land this land is your land – this part was made for you and me. Nobody living can ever make me stop.
CA is not turning back not now not ever His Truth is Marching On.

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