Tomorrow, Tues. March 21st is a BIG DAY for Just Transition, for the planet!  Here, it’s The Third Act’s STOP DIRTY BANKS rally @ Wells Fargo Bank, SF, 420 Montgomery, 3:30pm, one of 8 weeks of rallies here held by Extinction Rebellion SF (XRSFBay) with 350BayArea and allied groups to pull big $$$ away from the fossil fuel industry polluting our planet and move that $$$ to regenerative/sustainable solar panels for homes, electric cars (EVs) that can actually power a house.  A future IS possible but we have to MAKE IT SO like Patrick Steward said in Star Trek Next Gen.  Start learning about heat pumps and electric bicycles and public transit! You’ll be glad for every change toward a Just Transition you can muster! You’re saying yes to a future for your kids!

We were lucky to hear about STOP DIRTY BANKS and other XRSFBay actions from Akshat Patel, XRSFBay outreach guy, Sat. night at a gathering we called a Coming Out Party for Activists with Songs of Protest from a few of our fav singer-songwriters (see blog on Singers in the Round).  Uplifting to realize solar and electric are becoming much cheaper than fossil fuels over time – economics may save us! In time is the question.  Just a few more years left before the pollution becomes unbearable for the planet and, well, don’t even want to imagine.

So, can I talk you into a trip to the City, SF, tomorrow afternoon;  be there 3:30-5:30 as be part of a huge rally at Wells Fargo Bank, 420 Montgomery. 

STOP DIRTY BANKS is called by by The Third Act, global group of people over 60 started by Bill McKibben noting people over 60 control over 80% of the $$$ in the USA,  likely similar to other “developed” nations?  Get the mature types who are awake to the coming apocalypse if we DON’T change our ways to move their money and move the needle back from disaster!  

My partner, Wayne, will be driving us to the STOP DIRTY BANKS rally, hoping for a full car, and we expect to meet up with YouthvsApocalypse, CODE PINK and many other fine groups who can help us get out the way of progress toward an electric culture way past the super polluting GAS/FOSSIL FUEL present…we gotta do it, folks!  We gotta quit our current habit of polluting the planet and get to a place where we can live in peace, that being regeneration after a Just Transition.




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